Instrumental and Choral Programs at HTS
Holy Trinity School’s students are given the opportunity to learn how to play an instrument through the Connecticut Future Musicians beginning in the fourth grade. Holy Trinity School also offers a “Spirit Choir” to sing at masses during the school year.
Dramatic Arts at HTS
Holy Trinity School proudly presents a student musical featuring our fourth through eighth grade students every other year. Student auditions are held for lead and supporting roles and ensemble pieces are choreographed to feature our students. Holy Trinity School’s faculty and staff join together to direct, choreograph, make scenery, costumes, and everything else that’s needed for the musicals. We strongly believe that fostering a love of the arts in our students will enrich their lives and form bonds with their school community. The students learn and rehearse in the months leading up to the show which is usually held in the spring. Our recent shows have included Annie, Jr., Wizard of Oz, Jr., and Beauty and the Beast, Jr.