The extended day program will service the HTS community in grades Pre-K-8. It extends the excellence of each child’s school experience into before and after school time.
This program will be a bridge between home and school and will provide a safe and structured environment. The program’s goal is to establish partnerships with parents and the HTS community. We will offer homework time, snack time, arts and crafts time, as well as indoor and outdoor play time (weather permitting).
The extended day program will operate only when school is in session, not during vacation days, days off, or cancellations due to inclement weather. The extended hours for PreK-8 are 7:00-8:10a.m. The PM extended hours for K – 8 are 2:25-5:30p.m. The PM extended hours for Pre-K are 2:25 – 4:30p.m. There is no PM extended care on early dismissal days. When school is delayed (ie: 90 min) the program is delayed as well. If school is dismissed due to inclement weather, after school care will be cancelled.
Participation in before and after school care is flexible, with choices for a variety of combinations of morning and afternoon times. To participate in the program, children must be registered in advance. A limited amount of drop-in spaces are available at the discretion of the Director. Drop-ins will have to be requested 24 hours in advance of the requested date by notifying the director via email. ([email protected])
All payments are non-refundable and credits cannot be given for missed days. Enrolling your child/children for the extended day program reserves the time, space, staff, and provision for your child whether or not he/she attends.
Only people that are listed on the extended day program sheet may pick up child/children.
Please be on time for pick up. You will be charged $1.00 per minute for each minute that you are late.
All forms are available on the website.
We are looking forward to a great year!!!