Working Together
The Home and School Association (HSA) is an organization comprised of ALL Holy Trinity School parents working in conjunction with the principal. The primary objectives includes the following action plans:
- to strengthen the Holy Trinity School community
- to advance the mission of the school
- to provide opportunities for parents to be active participants in school activities
- to raise funds to help close the gap between tuition and the cost to educate each child
- to be good will ambassadors to spread the good news of Holy Trinity School.
The parents’ efforts at fundraising through the HSA make a substantial contribution to the operational budget of the school. Their combined efforts have helped expand technology, offer World Language from kindergarten to grade 8, as well as update textbooks.
Election Process
The Executive Officers are solicited each year via the the Home School sign-up sheets that are completed along with registration. If several parents offer to serve in this capacity, parents elect the officers.
Each event has its own committee members who request parent volunteers. Once you sign up to help with an event, you will be contacted via email / phone by the chairpeople of the event. We encourage all parents to be involved at Holy Trinity School.
This is a great way of having a good time with new and old friends as well as supporting the school.
The Current Officers of HSA Are:
Jessica Boudreau