Welcome to Holy Trinity School’s Preschool page! Holy Trinity School’s Preschool enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year is open. The preschool program splits into one PreK3 class and one PreK4 class. To fill out an application, please click here.
The Pre-K program ministers to the whole child – mind, heart and hands. In a trusting Catholic environment, we enable the child to grow spiritually, emotionally, socially, physically, and intellectually. Awakening the child’s innate desire to learn, we foster creativity and excitement about learning by facilitating a hands-on engaging environment. We understand each child’s uniqueness in personality and learning styles. We allow opportunities for the children to discover, explore, question, and succeed, thus providing the proper environment which enables the child freedom of choice. Above all, our setting nurtures the child’s spiritual relationship with God and caring attitude for others. In our preschool environment we maintain a low student-to-teacher ratio that permits the teacher to provide support to each child as they proceed at his or her own pace with the chosen work activities and to monitor the progress of each child. Children develop their concentration, fine motor, independence and eye-hand coordination skills by engaging with Practical Life Materials. They increase the acuity of their senses by recognizing similarities versus differences and gain engineering understanding of abstract terms with the Sensorial Materials. Language activities increase vocabulary, conversational, writing and reading skills. Language-based lessons teach early-literacy skills using phonetic sounds. The children are exposed to various types of phonetic awareness activities to build a strong literary foundation. Hands-on experiences with the math materials give children clear, concrete impressions of mathematical concepts. Additional components include language experiences with geographical concepts, peoples of the world, zoology, botany, art, music, science instruction and experiments. Spanish, music, and physical education instruction will be important parts of their educational experiences.
The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd will be our religious education component embedded into our daily classroom. We will proclaim the message of Jesus to children by presenting His parables in a Montessori-inspired learning environment. Preschool children are attracted to the Good Shepherd’s abiding love for His sheep. They develop a special love for Jesus, the Good Shepherd, even before they realize that they are the sheep. The children hear the Bible story in the words of the teacher using actual scripture verses and discuss and reflect on what they heard. Materials that accompany the teachings are available for the children to re-enact the story in a hands-on engaging way.
The children have many different social experiences through one-on-one lessons, small groups, and whole group instruction. We are facilitating cooperative and independent learning throughout the day. Socially we are guiding the children by encouraging unconditional acceptance and respect of others, teaching communication and cooperation skills, instilling a sense of responsibility and fostering positive group behavior. Through indoor and outdoor play, the children will participate as active participants in play that will develop their critical thinking, language vocabulary, and social skills. Play is what will pull together the logical and creative parts of their brain.
For more information about the preschool program, please call the school at (203)269-4477 or email [email protected].
Preschool Options, Tuition costs, and Requirements:
Preschool 3:
Children must be 3 years of age before September 1st. Children must be fully potty trained. This includes being able to handle all bathroom needs (wiping, cleansing, pulling up/down pants, etc.) without assistance. No diapers or pull-ups.
Preschool 4:
Children must be 4 years of age before September 1st. Children must be fully potty trained. This includes being able to handle all bathroom needs (wiping, cleansing, pulling up/down pants, etc.) without assistance. No diapers or pull-ups.
*5 full days: $6,600.00
Extended Care is available for Preschool students in the mornings from 7:30 am to 8:00 am and in the afternoons from 2:25 pm to 4:30 pm, for an additional fee.
Preschool students wear the Holy Trinity school gym uniform. This consists of the grey t-shirt and navy shorts in the spring and early fall, and grey t-shirt, grey sweatshirt, and navy sweatpants during winter months. These can be bought through the Dennis Uniform company.
Holy Trinity Preschool follows the standards set forth by the Archdiocese of Hartford. Additionally, the preschool uses the Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards as a guide. Content is taught through thematic, hands-on exploration, art, stories, and play. Although three- and four-year-olds are learning within the same units, activities and expectations are differentiated in an age-appropriate manner for each age group. Additionally, thematic content is rotated on a two-year cycle to ensure that any child that enters the preschool at 3 will continue to have new experiences in the preschool when they are 4.
Lunch and Snacks:
Students have lunch from 10:45 am to 11:05 am. Snacks must be brought from home. Hot lunch is available daily for purchase or students may bring their own lunch to school.
Library, gym, music, art and Spanish are part of the preschool program on a weekly basis.
Outside Play:
Preschool students are given opportunities to play outside each day, weather permitting.
Nap-time is offered. Any child that no longer requires a nap each day is expected to engage in quiet activities.