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By: Pierre Kory, MPA, MD
- Associate Professor of Medicine, Fellowship Program Director, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine, Mount Sinai Beth Israel Medical Center Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York

This is a double-edged sword medications causing gout 150mg rulide sale, however medications names buy rulide 150mg cheap, and it can shed light on why the tension between detached expert and local stakeholder occurs in the first place medications elavil side effects purchase 150mg rulide mastercard. Bennett (1995) has noted how there is a permanent mismatch between the universalizing drive and the always already partial character of contemporary public museums which makes reform demands of representation and inclusion insatiable. A call for museal reform in Wales occurred in the 1980s when it was claimed that the industrial history of Wales was poorly represented in national museums at the time. The fact that it had taken so long was inter alia because the experience of coal mining was so common and pervasive part of modern, everyday culture that it allegedly did not require representation in museums (Mason 2004b). Several scholars have noted the role of heritage in maintaining local idiosyncrasy in the face of threats against authenticity (Bendix 2002; Coupland, Garrett and Bishop 2005; Dicks 2000b). If we regard authenticity as an assertion of the particular against the general this cannot occur without some fundamental split or rupture where the common is seen as less common or indeed is perceived as threatened. While curators can aspire to bring the formal, institutionalized history closer to those who personally experienced the mining in terms of the accuracy of historical content, the form of the underground tour also bears resemblance to a ritual where the public transmission of memory beyond the situation where first-hand experience can be claimed. The act over passing on knowledge from one generation to the next is a question of maintaining this ethical responsibility in a context where living memory is fading and a particular way of life is perceived as threatened. This interval between living memory and recollected memory, firstperson and third-person accounts is precisely what Thompson and Rodger address. I will now draw on some aspects of the hermeneutics developed by Paul Ricoeur to discuss the relation between innovation and tradition in acts of remembering and suggest that the transmission takes place. This gap can be experienced as a loss of foundations for cultural identity as values and customs forged by a particular way of life is on the wane. Otherwise it is this gap which solicits self-invention through differentiation from the traditional lifestyle. We cannot expect it to be profound substance of a deep past exposed in a pristine state and brought forward in an unaltered form. The challenge is to recover the meaning of heritage even if we acknowledge that it is difficult to argue for a rehabilitation of cultural essence or a purely contingent set of signifying practices which shares no ground with the empirical real. In the last instance the vehicle of transmission which makes the past carry particular weight for Ricoeur (2004) is the notion of debt. This ethical dimension of heritage, to its favor, does not preclude the possibility of self-invention within forms of representing the past. In fact it has a direct bearing on the issue of the appropriate form of heritage for the future beyond the privileged first-person perspective. For Ricoeur it is the figure of the other, who we may not have known, that calls us and commits us. This ethical obligation does not prescribe imitation or a blind repetition of inherited forms. Through memory some of the unfulfilled prospects of the historical past could be reactivated or redeemed for the future. This goes beyond the historiographical corrective of retrieving more detailed accounts of the past. The preservation of localized identities is more pronounced than a view of heritage as a symbol of universality and shared meaning.
Major considerations include (i) what the form and content of construction requirements that encourage reduced energy consumption medicine on time buy cheap rulide 150 mg online, lower carbon intensity symptoms dehydration cheap 150mg rulide mastercard, and increased energy effciency might be; and (ii) how holistic spatial strategies that address multiple issues might be developed medications 563 150 mg rulide mastercard, for example, through planning regulations Energy Strategy for Green Cities 157 that specify minimum requirements for use of on-site sources of renewable energy. Major considerations include (i) how implementation of smart grids might be undertaken; (ii) which options are available to policy makers for encouraging demand-side energy management and energy storage; (iii) how information and communication technology might be used to reduce consumption of energy by end users, for example, through the installation of smart meters; and (iv) how behavioral change on the part of all energy users might be encouraged, for example, through the use of citywide information displays that show real-time levels of energy consumption for the various economic sectors or for individual buildings. Considerations include (i) how the energy intensity of public transport systems might be reduced through the use of hybrid or electric vehicles; (ii) how price incentives for reducing energy consumption or disincentives for excessive consumption might be implemented; and (iii) how shifts in preferred modes of transport might be induced, for example, by levying city-center congestion charges or emissions penalties on vehicles. Once the major energy-related issues to be addressed have been identifed and the considerations relating to them have been assessed, proposals for specifc initiatives that address these issues should then be formulated. However, in formulating specifc initiatives, it is important that these not be developed in isolation of one another. Instead, the likely impacts of each initiative on the successful implementation of each of the others should be assessed. Once each of the initiatives has been thus validated, the design of the overall strategy can be completed, and quantitative targets set with reference to the baselines values previously defned. Delivery trajectories for the overall strategy that include the phasing and timing of the initiatives it comprises should then be developed, and implementation proposals outlined, these proposals then being subjected to review by all stakeholders and verifcation of their fnancial viability. A plan for fnancing the overall strategy should then be developed that takes into account all fnance options available to the city concerned. These might include fnancing from pension funds, other publicly available money, or even venture capital. Other sources of fnance might include nationalgovernment agencies, international fnance corporations, or private sector charities. Specifc governance or delivery vehicles may be required to satisfy the demands of particular stakeholders. Once appropriate fnancing 158 Green Cities has been obtained and any required governance or delivery vehicles have been formulated, procedures for managing procurement will need to be formulated and put into place. Ultimately, some form of project management is generally required to ensure successful implementation of all projects undertaken under the strategy. This includes monitoring, evaluation, and reporting procedures for ensuring that project milestones are achieved, or that policy changes result in their desired impact. This also allows any errors to be corrected in a timely fashion, and lessons learned from strategy implementation to be transparently communicated. Delivery of the strategy will in all likelihood require a broad range of skillsets. This often includes those of accountants, commercial experts, lawyers, policy analysts, project managers, and technical advisers. All of these experts must be able to work effectively with the entire range of stakeholders involved in delivering the strategy. If implemented appropriately, this fnal stage results in a seamless transition back to the frst stage of the strategy formulation process. At this point, quantitative baseline values should be updated and targets reset, thus allowing identifcation of the goals of the subsequent round of strategy formulation by policy makers, and hence its implementation. This section briefy reviews the state-of-the-art energy technologies that are currently in use worldwide, as well as those in advanced stages of development that might be used during the strategy delivery stage of the Energy Strategy Continuum described earlier. It also provides examples of interventions used by cities to encourage uptake of these technologies. Energy Effciency Because energy effciency always carries with it negative rather than positive abatement costs, it should always be given high priority by policy makers. Energy effciency also produces additional economic benefts in that by reducing demand it postpones or negates the need for expanding electrical generation capacity. However, this is only true if the manner in which it is implemented prevents rebound effects. Such effects occur when behavioral considerations prevent energy effciency improvements from delivering expected reductions in energy consumption. Under the program, existing building owners were encouraged to carry out energy and carbon audits, and to use the information generated by them to identify opportunities for energy effciency improvements and emissions savings, regardless of whether these buildings were used for residential, commercial, or industrial purposes. Decentralized Energy Formerly, electricity networks typically generated power at central locations, and then transmitted it over long distances to end users (World Alliance for Decentralized Energy 2012).
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Compared with psychotic disorders medications dispensed in original container purchase rulide 150 mg without a prescription, the symptoms are less severe and more transient treatment thesaurus cheap rulide 150 mg with amex, and insight is relatively maintained medicine 3604 discount rulide 150 mg with mastercard. Attenuated psychosis syndrome is a disorder based on the manifest pathology and impaired function and distress. Changes in experiences and behaviors are noted by the individual and/or others, suggesting a change in mental state. When the delusions are moderate in severity, the individual views others as untrustworthy and may be hypervigilant or sense ill will in others. Guarded behavior in the interview can interfere with the ability to gather information. Attenuated delusions may have grandiose content presenting as an unrealistic sense of superior capacity. When the delusions are moderate, the individual harbors notions of being gifted, influential, or special. Attenuated hallucinations (Criterion A2) include alterations in sensory perceptions, usually auditory and/or visual. When the hallucinations are moderate, the sounds and images are often unformed. When the hallucinations are severe, these experiences become more vivid and frequent. When the disorganization is moderately severe, the individual frequently gets into irrelevant topics but responds easily to clarifying questions. At the moderately severe level, speech becomes meandering and circumstantial, and when the disorganization is severe, the individual fails to get to the point without external guidance (tangential). The individual realizes that changes in mental state and/or in relationships are taking place. The individual must experience distress and/or impaired performance in social or role functioning (Criterion D), and the individual or responsible others must note the changes and express concern, such that clinical care is sought (Criterion A). Neuroimaging variables distinguish cohorts with attenuated psychosis syndrome from normal control cohorts with patterns similar to, but less severe than, that observed in schizophrenia. Development and Course Onset of attenuated psychosis syndrome is usually in mid-to-late adolescence or early adulthood. In help-seeking cohorts, approximately 18% in 1 year and 32% in 3 years may progress symptomatically and met criteria for a psychotic disorder.
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- https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/global/Documents/Life-Sciences-Health-Care/gx-lshc-hc-outlook-2019.pdf