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  • Robert Dunning Dripps Professor and Chair of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Professor of Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


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The reader has Morrison, editors of Glaucoma: Science and Practice, have available current information ranging from the very assembled a remarkable group of expert authors, in many beginning of research on aqueous humor dynamics to the instances choosing among the most promising of their latest on the glaucoma genome. Here the novitiate can own students and colleagues, but always bringing the grasp the basis of glaucoma thought, how and where the most valued experience and expertise to the page. At the same time, for the more harried reader, side each new category, their nuances often more reflective of bars depict clinical Pearls, and Pitfalls. Laser surgery has troversial Topics serve notice when not all the cognofound its way into a broad spectrum of modalities and scente agree and spice the glaucoma fascination. Considering the second section addresses classification and varithe dramatic changes in therapy over the past two ous entities of clinical glaucoma as we now recognize decades, perhaps these sections on treatment are most them. Morrison and Pollack review the evolution of clasvulnerable to obsolesce within any book. To compensate, sification schemes over time from the anatomical differthe editors have selected authors who bring the latest ences apparent decades ago through the more subtle clinmodalities, the basis from which they have sprung, and ical differences recorded recently, and can only anticipate the directions toward which they point. Even as we cherish In the final analysis, physicians can derive comfort our nineteenth century books, we willingly make from books on the shelf, those from both the past and the allowances for nuances of classification in the context of present. In the meanbooks remain as icons of what we read, what we knew, time, the text provides an accurate and worthy guide what we valued and who we were. Practice will sit proudly among my books, as a manifestaAs conceptual change in glaucoma inches forward tion of my investment in my student and an outstanding with each addition to the scientific literature, modes of glaucoma reference in its own right. Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology Assistant Professor the Wilmer Ophthalmological Institute Department of Ophthalmology the Johns Hopkins University the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Krieger Eye Institute And Sinai Hospital of Baltimore Director, Glaucoma Service Baltimore, Maryland Krieger Eye Institute Balwantray C. Sinai Hospital of Baltimore Professor, Research Director, and Baltimore, Maryland Chair in Vision Research Ted S. Department of Ophthalmology Professor of Ophthalmology and Dalhouisa University Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Halifax, Nova Scotia Casey Eye Institute Canada Oregon Health and Science University Abbot F. Glaucoma Research Alcon Laboratories Professor Fort Worth, Texas Department of Ophthalmology University of Oulu Anne L. Oulu Associate Professor of Ophthalmology Finland Jules Stein Eye Institute University of California at Los Angeles Monica Y. Los Angeles, California Assistant Professor Department of Ophthalmology John Danias, M. Wayne State University Assistant Professor Kresge Eye Institute Department of Ophthalmology Detroit, Michigan Mount Sinai Medical Center New York, New York Rommel Bautista, M. Stanford, California Clinical Associate Professor Department of Ophthalmology Reay H. Ohio State University Atlanta Ophthalmology Associates Hilliard, Ohio Atlanta, Georgia F. Associate Professor Clinical Chairman Department of Ophthalmology Department of Ophthalmology Morga Eye Center University of Nebraska Medical Center University of Utah Omaha, Nebraska Salt Lake City, Utah Joseph Caprioli, M. Devers Eye Institute Professor of Ophthalmology, Physiology Portland, Oregon and Anatomy Douglas H. Department of Ophthalmology Professor of Ophthalmology Boston University School of Medicine Mayo Clinic Boston, Massachussets Rochester, Minnesota Douglas E. Assistant Professor Professor of Ophthalmology Department of Ophthalmology Casey Eye Institute Mount Sinai Medical Center Oregon Health and Science University New York, New York Portland, Oregon Allan E. Department of Ophthalmology Director, Glaucoma Services and Visual Sciences Sydney Eye Hospital Washington University Sydney, Australia School of Medicine St. Stanford University, School of Medicine Assistant Professor Stanford, California Department of Ophthalmology Wilmar Eye Clinic Miray Hamparian, M.

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In some cases treatment narcissistic personality disorder benemid 500 mg with amex, genetic testing creates tension within a family because the results can reveal information about other family members in addition to medications like adderall buy cheap benemid 500mg the person who is tested medicinebg generic benemid 500mg otc. The possibility of genetic discrimination in employment or insurance is also a concern. Another major limitation is the lack of treatment strategies for many genetic disorders once they are diagnosed. A genetics professional can explain in detail the benefits, risks, and limitations of a particular test. It is important that any person who is considering genetic testing understand and weigh these factors before making a decision. Additional information about the risks and limitations of genetic testing. Genetic discrimination occurs when people are treated differently by their employer or insurance company because they have a gene mutation that causes or increases the risk of an inherited disorder. Fear of discrimination is a common concern among people considering genetic testing. Several laws at the federal and state levels help protect people against genetic discrimination. Once granted a gene patent, the holder of the patent dictates how the gene can be used, in both commercial settings, such as clinical genetic testing, and in noncommercial settings, including research, for 20 years from the date of the patent. Gene patents have often resulted in companies having sole ownership of genetic testing for patented genes. For more information about gene patenting and the Supreme Court ruling: Read the Supreme Court ruling. The National Human Genome Research Institute discusses the relationship between Intellectual Property and Genomics The main differences between clinical genetic testing and research testing are the purpose of the test and who receives the results. The goals of research testing include finding unknown genes, learning how genes work, developing tests for future clinical use, and advancing our understanding of genetic conditions. The results of testing done as part of a research study are usually not available to patients or their healthcare providers. Clinical testing, on the other hand, is done to find out about an inherited disorder in an individual patient or family. People receive the results of a clinical test and can use them to help them make decisions about medical care or reproductive issues. It is important for people considering genetic testing to know whether the test is available on a clinical or research basis. Clinical and research testing both involve a process of informed consent on page 168 in which patients learn about the testing procedure, the risks and benefits of the test, and the potential consequences of testing. The Columbia University Medical Center offers a table that summarizes the major differences between clinical genetic testing and genetic research columbianeurology. Genetic ancestry testing, or genetic genealogy, is a way for people interested in family history (genealogy) to go beyond what they can learn from relatives or from historical documentation. Certain patterns of genetic variation are often shared among people of particular backgrounds. The more closely related two individuals, families, or populations are, the more patterns of variation they typically share. Y chromosome testing can only be done on males, because females do not have a Y chromosome. However, women interested in this type of genetic testing sometimes recruit a male relative to have the test done. Because the Y chromosome is passed on in the same pattern as are family names in many cultures, Y chromosome testing is often used to investigate questions such as whether two families with the same surname are related. Most companies provide online forums and other services to allow people who have been tested to share and discuss their results with others, which may allow them to discover previously unknown relationships.

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