June 26, 2020
To The Holy Trinity School Community:
In our effort to communicate, be transparent, and provide direction with regard to the reopening of Holy Trinity School in the fall, we have developed the “RETURN TO IN-PERSON INSTRUCTION STRATEGY” (RIIT) Committee. The purpose of the RIIT Committee is to complete an action plan which must be approved by the Archdiocese of Hartford on or before July 31st. Our approved plan will be shared with the HTS community so there is a clear understanding of how we plan to provide quality instruction in a safe and healthy school environment.
The first meeting of the RIIT is scheduled for Tuesday, June 30th. The agenda will consist of an overview of the process, purpose of the committee, timeline to complete tasks, and divide members into three specific phase groupings. The committee consists of members from the community, School Board, facilities, finance, classroom teachers, school nurse, university personnel, Wallingford Public Schools, custodian, athletic director, and fine arts.
The Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) will post on their website the plans to open schools for the 2020-2021 school year. https://portal.ct.gov/SDE
We will post the progress of RIIT on our website.
Be well, be safe, and God Bless!
Michael J. Frechette, Ph.D.
Holy Trinity School
11 N Whittlesey Ave
Wallingford, CT 06492
What Does the Fall Look Like?
A committee has been formed to create a plan for the Fall based on the CDC Guidelines, the Archdiocese Guidelines, and Wallingford Guidelines.
To stay updated on what is going on, here are some resources about the committee.
Holy Trinity School’s Fall 2020 Plan
Holy Trinity School’s Three Phase Plan:
Resources from Wallingford Public Schools
Connecticut Guidelines for Travel
Connecticut Department of Health Guidelines
Resource Links from CSDE
Return to In-Person Instruction Plan from the Archdiocese:
Archdiocese Resources to Help Plan:
- AOH Protocol for a Positive Case
- Quarantine Requirements from the Archdiocese
- Return to In-Person Instruction Strategy Plan
- Return to In-Person Instruction Action Plan
- CSDE Re-Opening Schools Fall 2020
CIAC Resources to Help Plan Athletics:
- CIAC Covid-19 Basketball Update
- CIAC Covid-19 June Update
- CIAC Athletic Guidance
- Key Points from CIAC
Notes from our RIIT Meetings:
July 2020 Updates
Since March 16, 2020, Holy Trinity School has been working in a digital learning environment due to the current pandemic. The teachers immediately jumped into creating online resources for their students and packets to send home. Holy Trinity School works primarily with Google and the teachers use Google Classroom to communicate and assign material for the students to complete. Teachers have also found other online resources to use alongside the Google Suite to keep students engaged and motivated.
We are so proud of how our students adapted and continued with their school work without skipping a beat! The community feeling is being kept alive through weekly Google Meets, constant communication to parents and students, and social media engagement.

What Does a Remote Learning Day Look Like?
- Assignments are up each day by 9:00 a.m.
- Students have two days to complete each assignment.
- Families figure out a schedule that works for them based on needs at home and the time allowed for each assignment provides that flexibility.
- Teachers are available throughout the school day to answer questions through email, Google Meets, or phone calls.
- The assignments include book work, online interactive activities, and projects that can be completed with household items.